Purchase/Satın Al

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Aşağıdaki anlatım tamamen İngilizce olan FileMax programı içindir. Diğer programların kullanım lisansı için mail atınız.

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You can donate 0,01 bitcoin for this project, even if you don' t want to buy FileMax license.
If you make a donation of any amount you want to, your name will be seen in the FileMax thanks menu. Many thanks in advance for everything.

 Donate 0.01 bitcoin for FileMax:

You can purchase FileMax pro version very simply. Here is the steps:

1. Please download & install & run demo version.

2. Click 'About FileMax License' button in the upper-right corner of the program.

3. First you should transfer to my wallet then please fill the form and click "Send Mail" button to send to us easily. Be sure, must be the same computer on which you want to run the program as the computer that you send mail. Because 'product code' created according to that computer.

 Pleaes send 0.19 bitcoin for FileMax Pro Full License:

4. You will receive e-mail  from us in max 1-2 day. This e-mail will include, pro version download link, your pk.dll (pro version needs this to run) and 25 digit your activation code.

5. Please download & install pro version and put pk.dll in the same folder. Then run FileMax and click 'About License' button and enter your activation code. Click 'Finish Activation' when tick will appear.

6. Thats all :)

You can use FileMax pro with full function now.

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